An auspice, since ancient times, is the observation of the flight of birds to read the present and discover the future. Every year Francesca, a scientist and ornithologist, analyses and studies the migrating birds flying through the Brocon Pass ringing station in the Italian Dolomites, showing us that today, more than ever, our survival depends on our ability to understand the message the birds bring to us.
directed by : Elena Goatelli and Angel Esteban
script: Elena Goatelli
cinematography & editing: Angel Esteban
production: KOTTOMfilms
distribution: Altrove Films
lenght: 13′
shooting format: 4K
year: 2019
♦ World Premiere at 67th Trento Film Festival 2019 – Orizzonti Vicini
2nd Whakapapa Film Festival, Italy [Official Selection, International Competition]
15th Zakopane Mountain Film Festival, Poland [Official Selection, International Competition], ♦ International premiere, ♥ Young Filmmakers Award
5th Ulju Mountain Film Festival, South Korea [Official Selection, International Competition], ♦ Asian premiere
8th Nuovi Mondi Film Festival, Italia [Official selection, Concorso Doc]
Milano Montagna Video Awards 2019, Italia [Official Selection]
Eho Mountain Film Festival, Macedonia [Official Selection International Competition], ♦ Macedonian premiere
In/Science Film Festival, Netherlands [Official Selection, International Competition], ♦ Dutch premiere
Mendi Film Festival, Spain [Official Selection, International Competition], ♦ Spanish premiere
FIFMA Festival International de Montagne de Autrans, France [Official Selection, International Competition], ♦ French premiere, ♥ Jury Special Mention
Premio Cortomontagna 2019, Italia ♥ Cortomontagna Award Best short film
17 SEFF, Seoul Eco Film Festival. South Korea [Official Selection 2020]
Lago Film Fest, Italy ♥ Miglior cortometraggio nazionale
Green Fest Belgrado, Serbia [Official Selection, International Competition]
The Carpathian Mountain International Film Festival (CMIFF), Ucrania [Official Selection, International Competition]
Ficmec, Canarias, España [Official Selection, International Competition]